Venice Oddities
In a city with hundreds of years of powerful history, there are bound to be some curious things to find. And Venice is no exception. In the sections below I describe a few of them. These are ones that I have been told about and visited but for a comprehensive description of many more I thoroughly recommend “Secret Venice” by Thomas Jonglez and Paolo Zoffoli. 
The Pipe Man of Venice 

Biagio was a fisherman who was known to relax on the side of the Grand Canal smoking his pipe. One day he saw the wake of a passing gondola turn red and two gigantic clawed hands emerge from the waters and attempt to snatch two young girls from the craft. A horned head appeared and it was clearly the devil himself. 
Biagio shouted to the devil and implored him to take himself rather than the girls. The devil agreed to the offer but only if Biagios arms could embrace the whole earth. At that point Biagio’s arms detached themselves and flew around the earth accompanied by a flock of cherubim. Astonished, the devil released the girls and disappeared. 
What do you mean you don’t believe the story? 
Anyway, if you walk from the Rialto vaporetto stop in the direction of San Marco for a few hundred metres you will come to the Palazzo Loredan, a building with a series of columns at its entrance. Have a look at the second column where you will find some graffiti scratched into it – a depiction of Biagio and his pipe. Who put it there and when? Who knows? 
Ponte Delle Tette (The Bridge of Tits) 1951 Calle Agnello, San Polo 

I’m sorry if you find that offensive but facts are facts. 

During the 16th century, the city authorities (along with the local prostitutes) became increasingly concerned about the rising rate of homosexuality. in order to "cure" this perceived problem, it was agreed that the prostitutes should parade topless on this bridge and in the windows and balconies surrounding it. to divert men fom this "sin". At night, they were allowed to use lanterns to illuminate their charms.

There's nothing to see there today but you might want to take a (clothed) selfie there

[More curiosities to follow]