Day to Day Information


Not really an issue if you're from the UK and the USA because everyone seems to speak English to a greater or lesser degree.
Tourist Office 

It's quite easy to miss this office as it blends in with the surrounding buildings and the signage isn't that clear. It is situated at 71/f, San Marco, 30124. With your back to the Basilica in St Mark's Square walk down the left hand covered walkway of the square past the famous Florien cafe, continue to the very end and the door is on your left. Enter the address above into Google Maps for a visual indication.

There are other offices dotted around (details here) but this is the most central

Helpful staff and a good selection of book, guides and gifts. 


A service that enables you to purchase tickets for various services and attractions before you arrive in Venice and at a discounted price. Effectively you can buy discounted tickets for the water bus (vaporetto) services, museum passes, wi-fi access, WC access and airport transfers. If you don't order online you can still purchase passes at tourist offices but without the discounted rates.
The way it works is that you go here and register and then purchase the services you want (and the timescale you want them for). You then receive a Passenger Name Record by email (PNR - this is aviation/airport speak) which you take to a tourist or travel office when you arrive (there is a list here) and receive the relevant passes. Registration has to be done at least 30 days in advance of your arrival in Venice in order to receive the dicounted prices. This is a good way to save money. 
in addition to the various tourist and travel offices you can also pick up tickets at the ticket machines to be found at various vaporetto stops. It is a touch screen service whereby you select the VeneziaUnica option and enter your order code and the tickets get printed on the spot. 
All in all, a very impressive service. 
Venice Connected 

There is a  service available from that enables you to connect to a public wi-fi service at around 200 hotspots in the city centre and on the islands. It is part of the VeniziaUnica service under Parking and Services (see above). Not particularly cheap in my opinion: €5 a day, €15 for 72 hours and €20 for 7 days.

You're never too far from a loo in the more popular areas. Clean and well attended, you should expect to pay €1.50 - €2 in the machine that lets you in. My favourites (do I mean that?) are at the Western end of St Mark's Square ie at the opposite end to the Basilica, adjacent to the Tourist office and at the Rialto Market. Once away from the main areas the "WC" signs are not so prevalent. For discounted WC access, see VeneziaUnica above. 
I probably shouldn't be telling you this but if you're caught short and are near the Ca' Rezzonica, there are loos in the lobby area that are free. 

See VeniceConnected above

Postal Addresses 

I've included the postal addresses of various establishments in this Guide. Over to you and good luck. I was once told that the only people who truly have a grip on the system are the postmen and having tried to find a private house occasionally, I think that is probably right. 
The system goes something like this. The address consists of a number and the district it is in eg 4549 San Polo. As you walk along a street the house numbers increase by one until you come to an alleyway. Turn into the alleyway and the numbers continue sequentially. Get to the bottom, turn around and the numbers continue back up on the other side to the original street. Get to the original street, turn left and the numbers continue. Make sense? Great for exploring! 
Acqua Alta (High Water) 

Between Autumn and early Spring it is quite common for Venice to suffer from flooding. This is as a result of high tides in the Adriatic and the effect of prevailing winds such as the scirocco. Generally the water only reaches a few inches and the Venice authorities provide duckboards on which to walk. You can also purchase relatively cheap wellies/gumboots from a variety of stores. Details of the areas most affected can be found on posters around the City and certainly within the various vaporetto stops. 
Occasionally, the situation becomes much worse as evidenced in 2008 when the waters reached 4ft in Piazza San Marco and in 1966 the water reached heights of over 6ft. Ironically, during my last visit in March 2023, the moon and high pressure in the Adriatic had caused low tides meaning many of the smaller canals had dried up.

If you find yourself in Venice during the mild floods, please use the duckboards carefully and with respect for your fellow walkers. 
Currency Exchange 

The currency of Venice is the Euro. The deals on currency are constantly changing but I find the rates of exchange in the dedicated offices awful and the commission charges obscene. My advice would be to use your debit or credit card in the bank ATMs that are to be found all over. That said, please avoid Euronet machines and cubicles as they are dreadfully expensive with both high conversion rates and a transaction fee. Best rates are to be found at Postamat machines at a Post Office or Bancomat machines. You'll still be paying commission but probably less than the exchange offices. If you do use the currency exchange offices remember to take your passport or a recognised ID card. 
Left Luggage 

Venice is not well served in this department. It is not a problem if staying in hotels which will usually store your luggage while you pick up last minute shopping on your last day but it is inconvenient if you are staying in an apartment. There are, to my knowledge, only two left luggage offices in the City. One is situated in Santa Lucia rail terminal, the other is at the vaporetto stop at Piazzale Roma. Look for "Deposito Bagagli" 


The following telephone numbers put you in touch with the main emergency services: 
Police - 112 
Fire - 115 
Ambulance - 118 
Venice's main hospital is the Ospedale Civile situated between the Campo Santi Giovanni e Paulo and the Fondamente Nuove. For consultations with a general practitioner, you are best advised to arrange this through your hotel.